There are stories that he traveled around the world through a vast network of underground tunnels, which allowed him to visit other cultures and learn their magickal techniques...kind of a trick swapping trip.
In Tibet there is a bible much like the early christian bible and claimed to have been written by a Saint Issa, a stranger from a faroff land who came to live and study with the Tibetans.
In Mexico there is a similar legend of Quetzalcoatl who also came from afar to study the secrets of local magic.
So I found a peculiar book that tells of India having a very old tradition of men walking on water as Jesus is said to have done;
"The act of walking on water is in India to be regarded merely as one of several ways of crossing water magically, all of which are frequently illustrated in the literature. The other ways are to walk through water that has magically been reduced in depth, and to fly across the water (or, to disappear and suddenly reappear across the water).
These three ways are not marked off from one another by hard and fast divisions, but sometimes in variants of the same story are interchangeable. They come from a period of great antiquity, the earliest instances appearing in the Rigveda and being therefore not later than 800BC and are again all securely founded on native Indian metaphysical doctrines.
These doctrines provide four means of accomplishing the miracle: first, religious act; second, the magic power of truth, being a specialized variant of the first; third, the psychic power of levitation; and fourth, the magic aid of the Buddha-this last means having affinities to the first and third...
There is another point to be observed in connection with these legends. As far as the text gives us specific information the rivers became passable not because they ceased flowing and provided passage on dry land, as did the Jordan for the Hebrews, not because they became solid as we shall later see the Euphrates did for Alexander, not because the men obtained some magic power that enabled them to overcome the law of gravity and walk on the surface of the water, as did Jesus, Peter, and many Indian characters, but because their depth was lessened and they were made fordable.
Of all the ways that rivers coud be crossed magically, this is the simplest and the one most likely to be inspired in literature by some actual occurrence...
In the same way the Hebrew legend of passing through the Red Sea is explained as based on the rising of a mighty wind that blew back the waters, a possible historical incident to which later tradition added supernatural elements, with the result that we not only find one miracle of divided waters in the Old Testament, but others secondarily derived from it concerning the Jordan, which can have no such rational basis."
For my money, I think Jesus learned how to reduce or cancel body weight from the Tibetan technique of Lung Gom Pa. If one could reduce body weight to almost nothing, walking across water without sinking would be a piece of cake.
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