Thursday, April 23, 2009

Charity instead of Pomp

I see people with money so consumed with personal vanity that they dissipate what could help so many others much less fortunate.

Lavish weddings, vacations/trips, jewelry/bling, gadgets, multiple homes, pampering/spoiling kids, etc., etc, AD NAUSEUM.

Mostly to get attention and be noticed as well I suspect as some sick idea that this proves they are better than others.

Every now and then, someone comes along and does something marvelous...they exhibit beneficence without need of thanks or payback.

Such a case I found in an old book where poor and starving people were helped for a few days on the death of a decent man of some means;

"According to the 'Annual Register' for August, 1760, there were expended at the funeral of Farmer Keld, of Whitby, in that year,

one hundred and ten dozen of penny loaves,
eight large hams,
eight legs of veal,
twenty stone of beef (fourteen pounds to the stone),
sixteen stone of mutton,
fifteen stone of Cheshire cheese,
and thirty ankers of ale,

besides what was distributed to about one thousand poor people, who had sixpence each in money given them."

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